Pray, cry & swim – out of suffering

In November/December 2016 (after Assistance Group 3) I slipped into suffering – well it felt more like falling over a cliff. Every day or so another intense pain would register in my body until it was as though every pain I had ever experienced came back all at once with renewed intensity. People asked me if I had a diagnosis and my reply would be “How many ways do you sin?” I could identify at least 6 distinct areas in my body that were affected – hips, knees, hands, frozen shoulders, lower back and all my muscles were taut and subsequently the tendons were all stretched. It hurt to move.

The level of pain was about an 8 out of ten and it was relentless – day and night – it did not stop. In fact the pain at night was worse; I could not sleep for more than about an hour at a time. I was essentially crippled and could only hobble a couple of meters to the bathroom. It was very scary and it was all encompassing: like I could not hold a conversation (a bit like being in the labour stage of child birth – the pain takes over).

I have no doubt that 99.99% of people experiencing this would seek medication, which is why the ageing world is highly medicated. I did not. I used the pain I was in as leverage to find a way out, a cure. After 7 years of listening to Jesus and Mary, I had to face the truths of their teachings. I discovered how determined I was, some would say stubborn (it was probably the first time I used my determination in a positive direction and not just to get my own way).

I realised that:

The Law of compensation had caught up with me – my time was up.

This was the onset of suffering because I was not feeling my pain.

I was responsible for this situation I found myself in.

I was the only one who could solve it by feeling my emotions.

I could not do it alone; I wanted God’s help. (I tried to make myself feel emotions and found it very hard.)

I wanted to change – to become more loving.

I wanted to develop the four tools – faith, truth, humility and action.

I tell people I was crippled and if they ask I tell them that I got better by: praying, crying, and swimming.

I am not an expert in Divine Truth so I cannot be a teacher; I can only share my experience and this is it. I noticed that the more sincere I was about my desires, the more I was in harmony with God’s Truth and Love, now it felt like all God’s Laws were supporting me – they were the wind beneath my wings. It means taking one small step from being unwilling to feel emotions to being willing and wanting to feel my emotions; to wanting a relationship with God; to wanting to become more loving. That means getting out of denial and stopping all those things we do – deny, minimise, blame, doubt, judge, self-punish (or maximise things – make them so big I can’t do it). We have to recognise these are all lies and STOP them. This takes courage to see God’s Truth about ourselves and everything.

I like the book Jesus and Mary recommended called South Of Forgiveness. It is a great example of how much courage it took both the perpetrator and the victim to admit even to themselves what had happened, and just admitting the truth of it. This awakening to my situation took that kind of courage; staying in denial would not bring any change. And staying in addiction would only bring comfort at best – and there is no growth in comfort.

Within 12 months I was fairly mobile, doing a bit in the garden and still praying, crying and swimming. It took a while to realise that I had got myself out of suffering. If being unwilling to feel our pain results in suffering then clearly being willing to feel our pain is the way out of suffering. As I said: one small step – but it takes courage and determination and as much faith as I could accumulate.

In 2015 I had started experimenting with Praying for God’s Love and had some beautiful experiences during which I received a lot of truth. So here was my basis for Faith: I had to keep reminding myself of these experiences and letting them accumulate. (My guides advised me to do this.)

For myself I went back over the Assistance Groups from 2014 and 2016 and chose the most important things for me. From 2014, the very last session Pray For God’s Love was my starting place, making this the top priority in my life, every day and every minute that I would remember. Let me say that attending the 2014 Assistance Group was a bit like visiting a foreign country without knowing the language. I just knew a few phrases to maintain a facade of superiority.

In 2016 AG1 Jesus introduced the four tools – Faith, Action, Truth and Emotions – (FATE) and taught us that if we develop these four tools we will grow; and if we don’t we wont. Pretty clear I thought. Thanks to the friend who gave me the acronym.

From 2016 AG2 I learnt the importance of having compassion for how our facade was created, initially by our carers/parents. I found compassion a really important quality to overcome judgement (of myself or others). If I found myself judging someone for their behaviour, I was not seeing the truth of their injuries which were causing their addictions and behaviour, and truth led me to compassion.

And 2016 AG3 – How benevolent and loving is God, that He measures my intentions even if I don’t achieve the result I intended. God does not expect me to be perfect in my behaviour, but He would like me to have loving intentions and then I get all the rewards – there is a faith builder right there!

Today in 2019 my priorities are still the same: if I am ever stuck for a time (like a few days) I go back to these basics – my relationship with God and reinforcing my desires.

I also use a white board in my office where I write up these top desires; they are unchanged. I also list my repentance relationships and forgiveness relationships. Whatever topic I am focused on learning at the time also features; so at the moment it is God’s Principles from AG3. I think they will be there for a while. Sometimes I write up Law of Attraction events I notice that I want to give priority to.

The other thing is that when an emotion comes up I honour the moment as much as possible – feel it then and there is always best. This works well when I am at home alone, and not so well when I am away (that is when I record them on my phone). I can not tell you whether these things have assisted me, but I do know they are a sign of my sincerity.

For the last two years now I have lived in a place of gratitude for God’s Goodness, Jesus and Mary’s Teachings, and my friends for putting up with me. I am happy for the first time in my life, my brain works better, my body improves every month or so, and I am enjoying relationships (both new and old) like never before – well before it was all about me – real faith builds with these experiences. In short I love my life – love it. Now all I want is to help others who want to progress on God’s Way; that is my life’s mission.

I have completed Action Lists for 2016 Assistance Group 1. If you would like a copy please email me or text me. or 0419 004 855




  1.  Resistance Written Oct 2018


I’m in resistance, what does that mean,

Resisting the four tools that I have seen

These four tools will ensure that I grow

Jesus said it – so now I know.


Faith is the first one of the four

Experiment I’ll find some more

Faith in God, faith that God is good

Faith that God made me so that I could


God’s Truth I have to learn to love

Truth is key to receive God’s Love

Personal truth is all about me

I have to see me as God sees me.


Emotions are in me to be felt

Some I’ve made , others I’ve been dealt

It’s really about humility

Feeling everything as God made me


Taking action is up to me

It’s my responsibility

If I don’t nothing will happen

Because that’s what I have chosen.


If I want to progress God’s Way

Making it real and not just say

I have to develop these four tools

If I don’t, I won’t – they’re the rules.


When I develop these four tools

Live in Harmony with God’s rules

Sincerely desire to love God’s way

Resistance it just melts away.

So many ways to share Divine Truth

A life lived in desire is a life well lived.

As I reflect on why there has been little progress on developing the English program I was so passionate about, I realize that I am driven by urgency; so other projects have taken my focus for the last six months: principally the transcription and editing of published documents about Divine Truth.

Late last year we produced a play written by Sarah Wagner and featuring many songs, including a Prayer Song I wrote. Yes I am still passionate about writing more songs and plan to write more gospel style songs this year.

And yes I am still passionate about producing the teaching materials for early childhood learning and English as a second language.

On reflection, I am very grateful for all these ways of helping in the distribution of materials that all serve the teaching of Divine Truth – transcripts, songs and teaching materials.

Someone emailed me recently saying they felt a passion to write songs, develop story books, games and puzzles. I can only share from my experience – just TAKE ACTION or observe why I am not taking action.

It is only FEAR that stops me from doing anything and taking action in my desires is the best way to confront these fears and feel them.

Writing the Mama Joy Rap songs last year was really a two year journey, from first having a desire to write the twenty truths I would like to teach children about God. There were many Law of Attraction events along the way to keep prompting me on this particular path, involving many of my brothers and sisters, and I am very grateful for all these reminders.

I noted my resistance – FEARS – about doing something that I wanted to do and the judgement and lack of approval that would attract; also doing such a public thing – once you put something on the internet it has a life of its own.

At the end of the day just do what you love to do, just because you love to do it.

Welcome Home Kerry and Paige

All Welcome –
You are invited to Joy’s shed this Friday 30th August from 2pm to 4pm

For a welcome home to Kerry and Paige, back after 3 months in Kenya

Joy’s address is 13777 Chinchilla Wondai Road, 1.4 klms past O’Dea Rd on the RHS

Bring a snack if you would like to share afternoon tea.

Please pass on to anyone who might be interested – all welcome.


Early Childhood Education

Early Childhood Education

I feel like a duck – it doesn’t look like much is happening above water, but under water I am paddling flat out.

My quest to develop a program to teach English as a second language, has led to researching how little kids learn and it is my intention to develop the resources necessary to teach little children under the age of six how to read, do maths, and acquire encyclopedic knowledge as well as learn all about God, Truth and Love and The Secrets Of The Universe.

If you are interested in more detail about this I have a 30 page document which I can send you if you wish.

The resources to teach a tiny child to read will be the basis of the resources for teaching English as a second language.

As far as our overseas travelers are concerned, they have done an amazing awe-inspiring job of relating their respective journeys and all I can do is suggest that you read them. You will find their links under “Personal Blogs”.

Divine Truth English

I did some research yesterday and have only just learned these facts – some of which are based on 2005 and 2009 data, but it serves the purpose.

This is the first time I have really come face to face with the situation in the world and my part in it. I have lived in a very privileged position, one which only a small number in the world enjoy and I have taken it all for granted until now, “taken” being the operative word. I have never really considered the plight of my brothers and sisters in the rest of the world nor have I seriously considered it in any way my responsibility to do anything about it, and certainly never understood in any way that I have contributed to the cause of it.

We in the western world are responsible for causing poverty in the third world.

Just my wanting coffee and cacao products has caused degradation to the land through clearing and agricultural practices, interference and contamination of water supplies, helping the rich get richer whilst keeping the indigenous people on an income level which can only be described as subsistence.

I have always believed in equality for all people and that everyone is entitled to clean air, clean water, nutricious food, clothes and a safe place to live. (Just didn’t see it as my responsibility to do anything about it). Whilst all these things are a basic need, they are also an effect and only Divine Truth addresses the causes.

Only Divine Truth addresses the causes. 

Whilst much of the cause for these problems lies with the Western world, the western world has ready access to the internet, has a higher standard of living and in some cases has the benefit of translations of Divine Truth and just needs their hearts to open and seek Truth. In the Third world countries where there is much less evidence of abundance, less access to the internet, subsistence living, and translation to so many dialects is an impossible undertaking, but the hearts are more open as shown on the personal blogs of Kerry & Paige and Denis.

Did you know only 7% of the global population (7 billion) speak English as a first or second language; another 7% speak Spanish, another 7% Hindi , and 20% Chinese (many different dialects).

Did you know there are 6909 recognized languages? Asia 2322, Africa 2110, Australia & Pacific 1250, Americas 993 and Europe 234.

It is pretty clear that if we want to share Divine Truth then we need to teach English.

Did you know that only 20 countries of a total of 192 (10%) enjoy a Gross National Income (GNI) of over $30,000 per person? Germany, UK, Netherlands, Finland, Australia, Japan, Belgium, Hong Kong, Austria, Switzerland, Canada, San Marino, Denmark, Iceland, Bermuda, Ireland, USA, Norway and Luxembourg.

The GNI is the country’s Gross National Product divided by the number of the population.

The next 10% with a GNI of between $20,000 and $30,000 are Malta, Cypress, Greece, Slovenia, South Korea, Israel, Equatorial Guinea, United Arab States, Netherlands, Spain, NZ, Brunei, Liechtenstein, Andorra, Monaco, Taiwan, Singapore, France, Italy, Sweden and Qatar.

The long term solutions to poverty are truth and love.” Mary Magdalene

Did you know that 126 countries (60%) live on a GNI of less than $10,000? Fiji ranks as the medium point on $6282 and that was my experience of what I thought was a Third World country, the bottom 100 countries exist on less than that.

Did you know that the United Nations lists 50 countries in a comparative analysis of poverty? Based on GNI, human assets, and economic vulnerability; 34 African, 10 Asian, 5 Pacific Island and 1 Carribean.

Kenya does not rate on the UN poverty list.

This is because there are some very wealthy Europeans living in Kenya and that increases the average GNI to above $1000 which is the cut off point in determining poverty. This probably applies to many countries where there are a very wealthy few who weight the average and disguise the real plight of the people. Both of these problems – the arbitrary cut off point and the effect of the wealthy on the GNI  – are really disguising the actual poverty which exists in the world I feel. In my opinion, it is like a facade to make organizations feel better because they can delude themselves (and the public) into thinking that poverty is a lesser problem than it really is.

My passion to create Divine Truth English.

This might feel like a big dump as it was for me and I wanted to share it so that you might understand my passion for sharing Divine Truth globally and teaching English – Divine Truth English. Imagine the first word a child learns to spell being G-O-D.

Before our friends set off for Kenya, I heard several people (including Jesus) state that we need to teach English; some of our friends Raj and Suzanne have experienced this in Bali where they support a college teaching English and Angela has experience teaching the Spalding method; at the moment we are investigating this system. Jesus has told me twice now, “the problem with existing systems is the ongoing financial implications” – costs for training and materials.

Ideally we would like to have a system which we can teach freely anywhere in the world, with all the resources and instruction being available on the internet, so that when we send teachers to Kenya and find local people who have the desire to continue teaching English we can instruct them and provide the materials at no cost, just as we would for Divine Truth.

Current progress

We are already identifying the 2000 most commonly used words which would make up a basic Divine Truth English. We have already started gathering resources for teaching Divine Truth including flash cards of the Secrets of the Universe, Rap songs, and have plans to create story books, colouring books, games and puzzles. There is a new Heading of EDUCATION on the Divine Truth site.

If you are interested: the next meeting will be on Thursday 23rd May from 3pm – 5pm

at Joy’s home 13777 Chinchilla Wondai Rd, Wilkesdale, 1.4 klms past O’Dea Rd on the RHS.

Please let me know at or text 0418 895 656

If you would like to view Ange’s presentation on the Spalding system, just give Joy a USB.

Kenya Press Conference

Everyone is invited to a press conference for the Kenya project this Saturday 27th April at 12 noon at Joy’s home –

13777 Chinchilla Wondai Rd, about 1.4 klms past O’Dea Rd on the right hand side. The driveway is half a kilometer long and a little stony.

An opportunity to hear about all the preparations which have been intense for the last month or so, with technology, teaching tools, and rap songs.

Our delegates are flying out of Brisbane very early on Tuesday morning the 30th April 2013 and plan to be in Africa for 3 months, London for one month and then Burma.

Bring a plate of vegan food to share if you would like to stay and share a meal.  See you there.

High tech for Kenya

Talking sticks

Talking sticks

Sound system packed

Sound system packed

Notebook carry packs

Notebook carry packs



Sound system

Sound system



Little power and projectors

Little power and projectors

Power source

Power source

The equipment going to Kenya with the team is designed so that it can run on external batteries for about 6 hours.

Firstly the two notebooks, which will allow Javan and Susan to copy videos onto a USB stick from an external hard drive containing all the Divine Truth data, up to date at the time of departure. Then there are procedures for backing up and updating the Divine Truth files from USB updates which we will send to them to keep them up to date with the latest website information.

Then the two projectors which have a USB connection or HDMI from the computer and a connection for a headset for one person to listen; for a large audience of up to 100 people the sound output will go to a sound system complete with speakers and the ability to use up to 3 mics – either headset, lapel or hand held – all or which have been provided.

The sound system also has a USB connection so that all the audio files can be played directly through the sound system. Imagine sitting under the trees with a battery run sound system playing anything Jesus and Mary have recorded. Everything comes in twos (except the sound system) for back up.

Jesus has taken a great deal of effort into setting up the procedures to make the operation as simple as possible and also to facilitate training. The team has responsibility to provide the necessary training on the ground for all the equipment and the solar system which has been designed to recharge all the equipment provided; instruction will be required so that the usage of all lighting and fans will be understood so that the power necessary for the equipment will be available when required.

All the equipment has been packed into foam padded cases (like the ones we use here at events for the equipment). The sound system weighed 25 kilos plus the case another 25 – so day to be shipped off to Melbourne and freighted to Kenya. The other 3 cases weight about 8 to 12 kilos and our “mules” will carry one each as part of their 30kilo weight allowance.

Pictures coming soon.

Solar Installation in Kenya


User Training




Back to Nairobi


Power board




DEVINE TRUTH OGEMBO God said let htere be light

Let there be light

DEVINE TRUTH OGEMBO church lighting

Installing Church Lights

Following our completion of the installation of a solar PV system at Mr Javan’s family homestead in Ogembo, Kisii County, Kenya, we are happy to submit our report as detailed hereunder.
I) Contract Execution
We supplied and installed a solar electric system comprising of

  • 6No 185Watt/24VDC crystalline solar panels (instead of 7No 130Watt/12V modules)
  •  3No 200Ah12V sealed maintenance-free solar batteries
  •  1No 45Amp/12/24/48VDC MPPT charge controller with digital display
  •  1No DC power combiner unit
  •  1No consumer control unit
  •  1No 2000Watt/12VDC inverter (instead of a 1500Watt unit)

We also carried out wiring and fitting for socket outlets and lighting points in three structures, namely Javan’s house, his father’s house and the orphanage (currently being used as a church hall).
After the installation and testing of the system and wiring, we held an end-user training in which we explained to Javan and members of the church and community among other things;

  •  how the system works
  •  how to monitor the system
  •  how to maintain the system
  • how to use and manage energy
  •  how to interpret and respond to readings and indicators on equipment displays

The solar system will power lights and fans in the church and two homes. It will also recharge the batteries for the equipment so that Divine Truth videos can be played in all of the parishes.

Kenya – background

brother-javan-sharing-divine-truth-at-funeral  peoplelisteningnewsfromjavanduringvisitBrother Javan and his wife Susan first contacted Jesus and Mary late in 2012. They found Divine Truth on the internet and have been sharing it with their congregation in 5 parishes and are keen to learn more so that they can continue. The challenge is that they do not have computers, the internet, or even the power supply to access the Divine Truth either on-line or by accessing a portable hard drive. their only connection to date has been by traveling to another town where the internet is available publicly.

So Jesus has been very industrious these last several months researching the best technical options to provide Divine Truth in a format which allows it to be shared with many people, portable enough to travel, and allowing for the hot conditions. The resulting solution consists of windows-run notebooks, portable hard drives for Divine Truth files and backup, a small projector, a complete sound system/speaker unit and rechargeable batteries to drive everything as well as a solar system at home for recharging.

This has been made possible by the generous donations of 3 or 4 individuals and the assistance of many others. To date about $35,000 has been committed to fund the equipment, solar system, government registration and to provide food for the 208 orphans who lost their home prior to Christmas.

Paige Willoughby, Kerry Foley and Denis Langmead are planning to travel with the equipment to Kenya when all is ready; when the equipment is ready, the training completed, the solar system installed and then the tickets will be booked, hopefully to take off by the end of April.

The time taken has not just been about equipment and training, but more importantly about being in truth with the people about their emotions, there have been several issues to address so far and unless the issues of love are addressed, there will be no trip and no equipment going to Kenya.

In addition to the teachings and practice of Divine Truth, there are specific projects which we would like to assist our brothers and sisters with and if you would like to assist with this, the Account Details are;

Yvonne Harris, BSB: 064 418, Account: 1024 3753

We have a desire to cloth the 208 orphans; $15 Australian will provide clothes and shoes for one child, a total of $3500.

The purchase of seed for the next crop is a cost of $4000.

And potentially the purchase of a vehicle as a means of traveling around to the parishes with the equipment, $5000

This is a separate account opened in my name which incurs no charges but does attract interest. This might be a temporary solution whilst I explore other options.

For more detailed and personal accounts of the Kenya trip visit the following blogs:   AND

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